Wyresdale Park Featherdown Farms 2023 Smaller 7 Wyresdale Park Featherdown Farms 2023 Smaller 7

Top 5 things to do on an autumn farm stay

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Getting outside during the autumn months can be refreshing, invigorating and enjoyable, although a little planning might be needed to ensure you are prepared for the weather. Just as summer can usually be categorized by sun cream, hats and sunglasses (although this summer has a lot to answer for!), autumn is a perfect time for jackets and wellies to ensure you can enjoy an epic adventure.

We've put together our top 5 things to do during autumn while staying at one of our farms, perfect for all ages to take part and keep busy in the beautiful outdoors.

1. Night time nature walk

One benefit of staying on a farm in the autumn is experience a whole different range of wildlife that you might not see in the spring or summer. As the nights draw in, you can discover a host of nocturnal animals without staying up past your bedtime. You might see bats swooping past the trees or hear the familiar hoot of a nearby barn owl. If you're really quiet, you might hear a badger snuffling by in the meadow or watch a fox exploring the new smells throughout the fields around you.

2. Watch the sunset or sunrise

Autumn is a great time of year to take advantage of seeing the beauty of a sunrise or sunset. With a freshness in the air, you'll breath in the crisp morning air without feeling a winter chill, as you watch the warm glow appear over the horizon with promises of an adventurous day ahead.

If a sunset is more your style or you happen to be on the west coast during your farm stay, why not light a warm campfire, open some tasty marshmallows and enjoy watching the myriad of colours that often streak across the sky as the sunlight dims to peaceful moonlight.

3. Make a nature picture from a scavenger hunt

If you want something to entertain children while enjoying some time together, a scavenger hunt is the perfect solution. You can explore various environments around you at the farm, from meadows to woodlands, and capture elements from each. Why not look for pinecones and twigs in the woods, a collection of stones and shells on the beach or blades of grass and autumnal wildflowers like Teasels or Yellow Hawkbits in fields surrounding the farm. And it wouldn't be an autumn scavenger hunt without choosing some freshly-fallen yellow, brown, red or yellow leaves.

Once you've found a collection on natural items (without breaking them off living plants!), you can get creative making a nature picture with them. Perhaps you could re-create the farm where you are staying or be more adventurous and use them to represent other items, maybe your favourite meal or even a self-portrait!

4. Conker hunt and competition

One of the top activities that never fails to bring smiles to both young and old alike is a conker competition. Gather up the best conkers from a nearby oak tree, grab some string and you have a great game ready to play! Armed with your prized conkers, you'll engage in friendly battles of skill and strategy, aiming to conquer your opponents' chestnuts with a well-aimed strike. Truly treasured moments together in the great outdoors, with laughter filling the air with this timeless game for all ages. If there's a few people taking part, why not make a tournament with 'winner stays on' - just make sure you have spare conkers for everyone to have a turn!

5. Meet the animals

A farm stay wouldn't be complete without learning more about life on the farm and meeting some friendly faces. From cows and sheep to ponies and dogs, you'll find a number of animals across our different locations. As the weather changes, some animals are brought inside from grazing in the fields so you'll have a better chance at meeting them up close and personal. Why not say good morning to the cows cosy in the shed as you head to the honesty shop for fresh eggs? Or watch the ponies enjoying their hay in the stables before having the chance to meet and groom them, a memorable experience for all ages.

Preparation is key for an autumnal farm stay but the joy and laughter that you experience will create treasured memories to last the whole year through. Embrace the enchanting beauty of autumn and make the most of your farm stay experience as you enjoy a taste of rural life during this vibrant season.